Encoding of logo and ringtone messages

Modified on Thu, 12 Feb 2015 11:16 by henrik — Categorized as: XML API

Ringtones and logos are 8-bit binary data, and must be encoded as a hex-string before sending. The following describes briefly how to format the XML for logos and ringtones:


Set the following child-element to the element:

Let the text-element represent the ringtone encoded as a hex-string (not including the User Data Header, UDH). The following is a sample ringtone:



Set the following child-element to the element: OperatorLogos:

Caller group graphics:

Let the text-element represent the logo encoded as a hex-string (not including the User Data Header, UDH). The following is a sample of an operatorlogo.

The first three bytes (6 hex-characters in the string above) are specifies the Operator Logo Header, which is the Mobile Country Code and Mobile Network Code with little endian BCD filled, with F16. That is, 42F2 hex = 244 decimal, which is Norway, and 20 hex = 02 decimal which is NetCom. The OTA bitmap data follows immediately after.

If sending a Caller-group graphic, the encoding will be the same as for an operatorlogo except that the first three bytes containing country and network code is not present.

Describing how to encode logos and ringtones into binary data is beyond the scope of this document. Please refer to the Smart Message Specifications from Nokia for more information.