Using PSWinCom Gateway for sending SMS with Kannel SMS Gateway

Modified on Mon, 03 Jun 2024 14:50 by FM — Categorized as: Uncategorized

This is a legacy protocol and its use is strongly discouraged. Use the PSWinCom Gateway XML SMS API instead.

To use PSWinCom as an SMSC with Kannel, you will have to use HTTP Generic Relay. Your configuration should look something like this:

group = smsc
smsc = http
smsc-id = psw
system-type = generic
status-success-regex = "OK"
status-permfail-regex = "Failed"
status-tempfail-regex = "Later"
port = 11030
max-sms-octets = 840 # do not split messages into multipart before this threshold. 
alt-charset = ISO-8859-1 #force correct charset. 
Throughput = 10 # Number of messages pr second.
send-url = "<USERNAME>&PW=<PASSWORD>&RCV=%p&SND=%P&TXT=%b"