Send SMS SOAP methods

Modified on Wed, 02 Mar 2022 14:11 by CM — Categorized as: SOAP API

This article describes the methods in the Gateway SOAP API used to send SMS messages.


The service and WSDL of the send SMS methods can be found here:

SendSingleMessage method

This method is used to submit a single SMS message to the Gateway through the SOAP API.

ReturnValue rv = SendSingleMessage(string username,
                                   string password,
                                   SMSMessage msg)

The username and password parameters are string values containing user id and password for your PSWinCom SMS Gateway account. The msg parameter is a complex type named SMSMessage that holds the various attributes of an SMS message. The method has a complex type named ReturnValue.

SendMessages method

This method is used to submit multiple SMS messages to the Gateway with a single operation. This is generally more efficient for bulk sending than he SendSingleMessage method.

ReturnValue[] rv = SendMessages(string username,
                                string password,
                                SMSMessage[] msg)

The username and password parameters are string values containing user id and password for your PSWinCom SMS Gateway account. The msg parameter is an array of the complex type named SMSMessage that holds the various attributes of each SMS message. The method will return an array of the complex type named ReturnValue as return value. The returned array will be of the same size as the msg array.

See also