Step 1: Create a keyword you can receive SMS messages on
Go to and select "Keywords".
Then select an access number (The number an end user sends a SMS to).
Then press "Add keyword"
You can then select an apropriate keyword, and check if it is availible.
Then set primary protocol to XMLHTTP2, and set your primary destination, where you will receive the SMS message xml.
The keyword request will then be sent to Link Mobility, and processed.
Step 2: Receive the SMS message
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<TEXT>Incoming message 1</TEXT>
You can find details of the xml request here:
Incoming SMS XMLDetails of the XML request elements can be found here:
Gateway XML APIStep 3: Reply with an XML response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Read the XML request, and reply with the message id. If not, then Link Mobility will retry the SMS message up to 10 times.
Step 4: Test
When your keyword has been created, you can access the keyword page, and press the little "play" icon next to your keyword. You will then receive a test message to your endpoint.
All done!
You are now ready to start receiving SMS messages!