The SMS Gateway may delivery incoming messages and delivery
reports to the client using SOAP/WebServices. To be able to receive
those messages and delivery reports the client must implement the
interface as defined by the following WSDL:
The customer must implement their service using the same contract
(WSDL) as the service above. After implementation, the URL of the
service must be provided to the Gateway. Please contact to arrange this.
Each method must have the complex type
ReturnValue as a return
value. The client must set the Code attribute to the value 200 to
indicate a successful reception. Any other status code value will be
interpreted as an unsuccessful delivery and the message or delivery
report will be retried according to the retry scheme of the Gateway.
ReceiveDeliveryReport method
Delivery reports will be forwarded to the client when requested with
the RequestReceipt attribute on the
SMSMessage object.
ReturnValue rv = ReceiveDeliveryReport(DeliveryReport dr)
The DeliveryReport parameter is a complex type as defined
ReceiveSMSMessage method
Incoming SMS messages will be forwarded to the client according to
the rules defined for the client and the access number used for twoway
ReturnValue rv = ReceiveSMSMessage(IncomingSMSMessage msg)
The IncomingSMSMessage parameter is a complex type as defined
See also